little cubes

Posts tagged "react"

  1. How to stop using so many optional properties in your React TypeScript props

    Using TypeScript unions to define relationships between props

  2. Death to Default Exports!

    Why you should go right now and delete every "default" from your codebase

  3. When to use each JavaScript iteration method

    And a practical guide to the reduce() function

  4. How to make your app faster with React's key prop

    A puppy dies every time you set key={index}

  5. Strongly typing a React "component" prop

    Allowing customization of the root node of a React component & maintaining correct prop typing

  6. 8 JavaScript Testing Mistakes to Avoid

    In no particular order

  7. Better Next.js SSR with React Query

    How to use React Query to server side render in Next.js without code duplication