If you're looking for...
A UI Architect - Fullstack experience
- React, TypeScript, and CSS
- Design systems
- Open source experience
- Web, desktop, mobile
- ADA compliance
- UX Advocacy
- 10+ years of experience
- A compelling communicator
- Effective solutions to complex problems
...then you've come to the right place! 🤓

Build In
TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, C#, XAML, Java, Swift, Python
Build With
Git, React, Svelte, Node.js, Mongo DB, Next.js, Bun, Electron, Astro, Angular, React Query, Tailwind CSS, SASS, Yup, vite, esbuild, Storybook UI, Gremlin
Build For
Web, Node, CLI, Windows, IoT, Mac, iOS, Android, People